Want to know what we're most excited about?
It's the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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When to come:  Sunday School at 9:00am  ·  Worship Service at 10:30am


Grace Bible Church is a gospel-centered, Bible-based church located in the heart of Newfane, NY.

Our Identity: The People of God
 We are a gathering of people who have heard and believed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and have been “called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…” 
1 Corinthians 1:2

Our Authority: The Word of God
The inspired, inerrant Word of God informs all that we do. It is our final authority. Therefore, our chief focus as we gather is reading and explaining the Bible.

Our Vocation: The Will of God
Our primary vocation as followers of Jesus Christ is to do the will of God. That includes obeying the great commission by sharing the Gospel, making disciples, serving one another, and shining as a light in our community.

Our Ambition: All for the Glory of God
God is worthy of all honor and praise, and we desire that in all we do He will be lifted up for all to see.

Our Leadership

Grace Bible Church is comprised of individuals and families from all sorts of different backgrounds. We are grateful to God for the way He has provided gifted men and women to provide for the leadership needs of this congregation. We believe in the need for a plurality of leaders; our three pastors serve as vocational elders alongside the other elders to provide mainly for the spiritual oversight of the body. Our board of deacons is made up of men who serve the body by focusing on meeting the physical needs of congregants as well as maintaining and improving the church facility. We also have gifted administrative assistants who serve the body by helping with the details of day-to-day operations.

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