6:30-8:00pm, September - May

Age 3 through 5th Grade
We provide a safe environment for your young kids to play games, hear the Word of God, memorize Scripture, and connect with other kids their age.  Your children will love both the structure and the fun Grace Kids provides, and they will learn life-changing truths about who God is and how we can know Him!

Infants Nursery and Toddler Room are available beginning at 6:30pm

For information about our middle and high school ministry, head over to the Grace Students page.

For more information, please call our church office:
(716) 778-9081


Infants Nursery
(birth until walking)
Beginning at 9:00am

Toddler Room
(walking until potty trained)
Beginning at 9:00am

Children's Sunday School
(age 3 through 5th grade)
Go to Learning at Grace for more details!

Childrens' Church
During Worship Service (dismissed after singing)
Group 1 (Pre-K) - potty trained 3's & 4's
Group 2: K &1st Grades

Your children are precious to you.
They are precious to Jesus as well.

"Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven'."
(Matthew 19:13-14)  

Your children are precious to us here at Grace Bible Church too! We consider it a privilege to serve children by teaching them the wonderful news about Jesus and the salvation that He offers!  

To teach children what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
We desire that they would understand the great love that God has for them—that He sent His own Son to die on a cross for them!

To ensure your child's safety and protection.
All children's volunteer workers are required to attend a"KidSafe" seminar each year. We run criminal background checks on each volunteer regularly. We desire to keep our children safe!

Our kids programs are designed to keep children engaged through interactive teaching, crafts, games, activities, music and more.