Getting Connected

And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people.
And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47
One of the most important things a follower of Jesus Christ can do is get connected in a local church.  Hebrews 10:24–25 says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Connectedness to one another serves as a means of protection against sin and unbelief as well as an avenue of encouragement towards holiness and faithfulness. As we gather, get to know each other, and worship together we are moved together toward our ultimate goal—maturity in Christ.  

That said, it isn’t always easy to get connected, especially when we’re new to a body of believers. The following list provides some different ways by which you can get connected here at Grace Bible Church.

Sundays at Grace

Worship with Us!
Every Sunday morning at 10:30am, we gather together to sing, pray, and learn from God’s Word corporately. One of the best ways to get connected is to be here regularly for this worship event, interact with those around you, and look for opportunities to engage others in order to get to know them better.  

Join Us for Sunday School
Each semester we offer classes for all ages, from toddlers to adults, in the hope that together we can grow in our knowledge of God and His Word and therefore develop in maturity together. But this is also a great way to get to know other believers. The classes are smaller and more personal than the worship service and often provide time for interaction and sharing.

“Get to Know Grace" Luncheons
We offer “Get to Know Grace” luncheons a couple times each year. This is an opportunity to have lunch with other newcomers, our pastors and their families, and others who are involved in leadership at GBC. Hear about the church, introduce yourself, and learn more about who we are and what we are doing.

Midweeks at Grace

Midweek Ministries
Our midweek activities are largely centered around our children and teens (AWANA, Student Ministry) and are a great way for families to get connected. If you have kids, this is the ideal place to start!

But midweeks aren’t just for kids. They also provide a great opportunity for adults to learn, grow, and serve together!  

Serving in ministry is one of the very best ways to connect with other believers. There’s nothing like serving side by side for the Gospel! We are always looking for people who love kids and teens to get involved in these ministries, from our young adults to our senior saints! So if you’re interested in plugging in, let us know!

For those who want to work on growing their own faith, we offer an adult class each Wednesday night as well. This is an informal, interactive class with an emphasis on getting to know each other and integrating God’s Word into life.

Bible Studies
On occasion we offer Bible studies throughout the week for specific demographics within the church body. See our GraceNotes to find out what’s happening now.


The very best way to get connected here at Grace is to become a member. Through the membership process you will be instructed regarding all the ins and outs of GBC, from our doctrinal statement to leadership structure to everyday life as part of this community of faith.  

You will also have an opportunity to meet with some of our elders, share your faith story, consider ways you might get more involved, and ask any lingering questions you may have about the church.  

The final step of the process is to be recommended for membership by our Elder Board and voted in by the congregation at a family meeting, where you will be publicly recognized and welcomed into the fellowship.  

If you’re interested in knowing more about or pursuing membership, look for our next membership class.