Global Missions

And Jesus came and said to them,
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Matthew 28:18-20

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news... and it is for everyone everywhere! That is why global missions is something we passionately embrace at GBC. Nearly 20% of our budget is allocated to supporting both foreign and domestic missionaries, including several of whom have gone out from our body in order to share the good news elsewhere. We pray for our current missionaries and pray that God would raise up more who would be willing to go from our midst.

Active Missionaries

Jason & Rosemarie Beedon - Serving with Cru at the University of Buffalo

Shane & Deb - Serving with Pioneers in Australia

Rick & Lisa - Serving with ABWE Live Global in Spain

Ludy Harbaugh - Serving at The Villages in FL as a retired missionary

John & Amanda H. - Serving with Biblical Ministries Worldwide in Europe

Jennifer Kierstead - Serving with Pioneers US Office in FL

Phil & Barb Klumpp - Serving with ABWE International in Buffalo

Dave & Sonya Kramm - Serving with Pioneers in Tennessee
David & Beth Larson - Serving as Director of Global Reach with International Students, Inc. in Ithaca, NY

Z & M - Serving with Cru-Bridges International in the Middle East

Jon & Dee Mitchell - Retired and serving with Baptist Mid-Missions' Pastoral Enrichment Program in MI

Lucas & Jessica Rondy - Serving with Ethnos360 in Mexico

David & Susan - Serving with ABWE in the Middle East

Dave & Anne - Serving with ABWE in the Middle East

Janette - Serving with SEND International in Russia

Volodymyr Vshyvkin - Serving as a pastor in Ukraine

Bill Whitmore - Serving as a chaplain with Good New Jail & Prison Ministry, Niagara County

Jonathan & Kathy Wilson - Serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea

Emily - Serving with WEC

Encourage our active missionaries

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